Over the past five years since Satya Nadella was named its new CEO, the company has increasingly become more friendly with its rivals. The move is the latest example of Microsoft expanding beyond its once-obsession with Windows, its monopoly-making software that powers nine out of 10 PCs on the planet. 'We love the idea of the App Store being the specific place for Mac apps,' Jared Spataro, the corporate vice president of Microsoft 365, said in an interview.ĬNET's Dan Ackerman probably can't wait to download Microsoft Office as soon as he reads this. Now, they're available on the Mac App Store as well, making it even easier for people to download and use. Until now, anyone who wanted to use Microsoft Office and its popular Word, Excel, PowerPoint and OneNote apps had to do so by going to Microsoft's website and downloading it all from there. The next time you open up a new Apple computer, go to the App Store to start downloading apps, and type in ' Microsoft Office,' you'll actually get something.